how to make bagel

Bagels are bread shaped like a donut with a dry texture and crisp on the outside, but tough on the inside. Very popular in New York as a breakfast menu. Typically, the citizens of New York cream cheese on bagels and eaten with a cup of coffee.

     As a variation, the surface can also be sprinkled with sesame bagels, poppy seed or sunflower seeds.
     Do not use hot water when kneading dough bagels. Because the yeast will die at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius.
     Avoid adding yeast together with the salt because salt can also cause yeast die.

Bagel Bread Recipe

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how to be a great teahcer

There was a question posed by a fellow teacher told me. "How can I make learning fun". Coincidentally, last Monday I was asked to be guest speaker at the RRI Pro 1 FM in learning a fun theme. I explained at length about the learning fun. Thank God a lot of response from the audience that I received, and imperceptibly acarapun runs nearly an hour, only by phone only.
Ways to be a fun learning in the classroom is the teacher as an educator should be able to have a high sincerity in teaching. After growing in the hearts sincere, it will be a teacher terlihatlah happiness. Teachers also become happy or excited. When the teacher happy, it will show a face full of smiles. A face full of a sweet smile that learning is fun begins.
Often teachers pay less attention to this little thing. Too assume pembelajaranlah media that makes learning fun. Not because of the smile or the happiness of a teacher.
I was reminded of the presentation of a motivator who named Aris Ahmad Jaya. He gives motivational materials to all new students at the junior high grades 7 Labschool Jakarta, amounting to nearly 250 people. All children pay attention to him, and very enthusiastic to hear what he say. His presentation was to say for two hours, almost without any fuss from the students. All students pay attention and listen to the presentation was enthusiastically high. I was saying to myself, here's an example of light hearted teacher.
After the show ended, I asked him what made the children labschool the "busy" that matched his nose like a buffalo? What makes him so happy to get the material motivation of Aris ahmad victorious mas? What makes it so skillful in presenting the material? Actually a myriad of questions I want to ask him. Of these questions get an answer that made me get something new.
Aris said that, to be a motivator it should be sincere, happy, and use the strategy in its delivery. It was also echoed by my friend Mr. Smith Dwitagama when our companion in providing research material class action (PTK) in the polytechnic Telkom Bandung.
I did not forget to SMS my good friend Johan Wahyudi mas about three things, and by Johan mas added to the teacher to be professional. That is what makes learning fun. Teachers should be able to professionals in the field of science that diampunya. He must master the material to be presented to the learners. Without mastery of the material, do not expect learning to be fun.
Teachers also must be able to motivate and develop the potential of teachers in teaching so as to make Indonesia as a nation capable of producing intelligent students, and contribute in their respective fields.
At least my friends already have menginstrospeksi teachers themselves to improve the way mengajaranya less pleasant. Changes in methods of teaching the teachers to a more interactive direction is clearly needed. Teachers were required to deliver the material with attractive, using either props or a medium of learning. Even better if able to develop multimedia learning.

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how to make batik

sorry if i used a mother tongue because i can't found the translated

1. Cutting raw materials (mori=kind of fabric) as needed.

2. Mengetel: eliminate starch from soaking mori manner with a solution: peanut oil, soda ash, tipol and water. Then mori diuleni after flat diuleni dried until dry and then dried again and again. This process is repeated until three weeks ago on rinse thoroughly. This process so that the dye can seep into the fabric fibers perfectly.

3. Nglengreng: Drawing directly on the fabric.

4. Isen, Isen: give variation in ornament (motif) that has been in lengreng.

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English gramer

English grammar

English grammar is the body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses and sentences.
The grammar of a language is approached in two ways: descriptive grammar is based on analysis of text corpora and describes grammatical structures thereof, whereas prescriptive grammar attempts to use the identified rules of a given language as a tool to govern the linguistic behaviour of speakers. This article predominantly concerns itself with descriptive grammar.
There are historical, social and regional variations of English. Divergences from the grammar described here occur in some dialects of English. This article describes a generalized present-day Standard English, the form of speech found in types of public discourse including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government, and news reporting, including both formal and informal speech. There are certain differences in grammar between the standard forms of British English, American English and Australian English, although these are relatively inconspicuous compared with the lexical differences and differences in pronunciation.
Grammar is divided into morphology, which describes the formation of words, and syntax, which describes the construction of meaningful phrases, clauses, and sentences out of words.


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funny written VII

Monster : `( ◣‿◢)´ har har har...

Satria Zirah merah : Ternyata kamu monsternya ( ⋋▂⋌)-O-

Monster : `( ◣‿◢)´ lalu??...

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gambar lucu

funny written VI

Arwah 1: Oii kamu ko tiba-tiba nongol disini?? cepet banget nyusul gue...

Arwah 2: Gara-gara kamu

Arwah 1: Ha?? tapi kamu udah sampaikan bukan pesen terakhir saya ama gebeten saya??
Arwah 2: Udah dan karena itu saya mati...

Arwah 1: =.=a ... ga ngerti

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funny written V

Musafir: \(´▽)/ Wew .. botol JIN!! (gosok-gosok)
SIAL!! LAMPU BIASA NI SEH!! -Brak (banting)

...Lampu: Adawww!!!

Musafir: Hmm (-.-)...

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funny written IV

Prajurit 1: sstttt... kita harus mengendap sampai gudang persenjataan, kamu sudah siap??

Prajurit 2: '.')7 SIAAAPP!!

Prajurit 1: GEBLEK!!! (҂`☐´)-O)‾З‾)ː̖́ JANGAN BERISIK!!!!
Prajurit 2: T_T siap...

Prajurit 1: Keluarkan petanya..

Prajurit 2: ini...

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funny written III

Marketing: (‾⌣‾) siang pa..

Target: ('_') siang...

Marketing: Saya dari perusahaan X ini ada program pa, bisa dilihat brosurnya...

Target: (o_0)?? ...

Marketing: Liat-liat dulu pak...

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box of horror

tulisan temen facebook. belum kelar tp enak buat di baca !!! 

Sore tadi Ariel membawakan sesuatu untukku. Sekotak mungil yang dia genggam di tangan kirinya dan dia angsurkan ke telapak tanganku.

"Bukalah saat menjelang tidur nanti," katanya.


Aku tak sabar menanti malam. Aku ingin segera membuka kotak mungil berbungkus pink itu.

Kini malam telah menjelang. Kantukku mulai menyerang. Aku bersiap membuka kotak itu, ketika tiba-tiba ringtone yang aku setel khusus untuk Ariel berbunyi.

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funny written II

Hari itu aku sudah berada di dalam angkot 02 menuju ke kosanku. Selama perjalanan tidak ada hal yang istimewa, nggak ada nasi goreng istimewa, nggak ada martabak istimewa, nggak ada terang bulan istimewa, pokoknya nggak ada yang istimewa deh. Sampai akhirnya seorang perempuan bersama anaknya naik di dalam angkot yang sama dengan angkot yang aku tumpangi. Kala itu hanya kami bertiga penumpang di dalam angkot. Perempuan itu berbaju hitam yang bahannya sangat elastis seperti karet*gimana yah menggambarkannya, em…mungkin seperti salah satu iklan pembalut wanita yang katanya kembali ke bentuk semula, hehehe...

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funny written

sunyi dalam diam,
pohon jambu tetangga berdansa riang dengan hujan
daun jendela kuyup kebasahan
kuyup kedinginan,

seperti aku!

KOTORAN KERBAU !! sial !! bocah-bocah ingusan seliweran mandi hujan lari-lari riang didepan rumah,  tak berbusana ! treak-treak kaya tarsan hutan. Bangke doangan!! disini gua terpojok kedinginan, pening meriang gara-gara kehujanan ! dihantui kutukan kesialan..

05.50 PM , Tuesday 28 june 2011 (hari kutukan)
hahhaaahahaa , cuma bisa ketawa dalam suram.. alhamdulilah wa syukurinn lah !! hari ini gua mengelalami kekurang beruntungan bertubi-tubi.
begini kronologisnya ..

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Prosa adalah suatu jenis tulisan yang dibedakan dengan puisi karena variasi ritme (rhythm) yang dimilikinya lebih besar, serta bahasanya yang lebih sesuai dengan arti leksikalnya. Kata prosa berasal dari bahasa latin "prosa" yang artinya "terus terang". Jenis tulisan prosa biasanya digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu fakta atau ide. Karenanya, prosa dapat digunakan untuk surat kabar, majalah, novel, ensiklopedia, surat, serta berbagai jenis media lainnya.prosa juga dibagi dalam dua bagian,yaitu prosa lama dan prosa baru,prosa lama adalah prosa bahasa indonesia yang belum terpengaruhi budaya barat,dan prosa baru ialah prosa yang dikarang bebas tanpa aturan apa pun.

Jenis-jenis prosa

Prosa biasanya dibagi menjadi empat jenis:
  • Prosa naratif
  • Prosa deskriptif
  • Prosa eksposisi
  • Prosa argumentatif

Prosa Lama

Prosa la

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sebuah alasan

perasaan aku padamu seperti rumput liar di pinggiran hutan yang tumbuh dengan lebatnya tanpa di harus di sirami terlebih dahulu, walau kau menginjak-injaknya ini akan terus tumbuh dengan suburnya,walau terkdang saat kau menginjaknya rasany bahkan lebih sakiit dr pd saat di pangkas oleh para petani yang mencari makan untuk ternaknya.....tp gak tau kenapa ini terus tumbuh tak terbendung,,,,,!!!! keberada'an mu seperti  sinar matahari bagiku . sehari rerumputan ini tak mendapat sinar mu, rasanya seperti bertahun2 tanpa kesadaran dan ketangguhan,

rerumputan ini mencoba mencari pembenaran atas apa yg kamu lakukan, mencoba memberi alasan bahwa qm tdk bersalah atas apa yg qm lakukan, walau qm membakarnya dg arak,ciu,vodka,ataupun mensen sekalipun, ini akan tetap tumbuh, tumbuh dg segarny setalah mendapat secercah sinar cerah darimu. rerumputan ini pasti akan kembali tersenyum walau kau membakarny, dan aq yaakin itu.

tahukah kamu alasan rumput liar ini tak pernah mau mati ?

  1. kau adalah penghalang, penghalang yang membuat q berhenti dr hal yg benar2 ingin q tinggalkan sejak dulu
  2. kau adalah OBAT PENENANG, karena walaupun kau berbahaya untukku. aq akan tetep membutuhkan mu agar tetap tenang
  3. kau adalah SESUATU YG BAHKAN TIDAK BiSa TERDRISKRIBSIKAN, kau membuat semua logika q runtuh tak berdaya. bahkan saat aq dlm msalah yg amat berat hany suaramu yg ingin q dengar,hany wajahmu yg ingin q lihat. kau adalah kelemahan q yg menutupi kesempurnaan sesaat yg q benar2 ingin q miliki,
  4. kau adalah SESUATU YANG MEMBUATKU BERKATA YA TANPA Q SADAR'I, walau nanti kau menyuruh q untuk menerima keputusan mu yg bahkan akan membakar habis semua rerumputan tanpa harus tumbuh lagi, aq akan melakukanny krn aq akan trz mencri pembenaran akan qm
  5. ini adalah alasan yg menurut q paling tak masuk akal, KARENA TIDAK ADA ALASAN UNTUK KU UNTUK TIDAK MEMBRI HATIKU UNTUKMU, krn qm adalah yg mengizinkan jantungq untuk berdetak keras tak beraturan, krn qm yg mengizinkan aq berjalan krn walau aq hrs merasakan sakit yg teramat pd kakiq. aq akan trs berjalan menemuimu, krn qm yg mengijinkan mataq untuk mrlihat keindahan senyum malaikat mu yg membuat semua bagian diriku semakin tidak  mau melepaskan ruang di hatimu,,,,krn aq adalah aq yg mencintaimu dg caraku

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